july 11 -12
I have been making these for years for kids using photos.
These pictured below are using pics from internet and the
names were created with Photoshop.
The pics are of the child's favorite thing
and then their name is on reverse side.
You could create puzzles using all the sides of the blocks
for a total of 6 puzzles per....but 2 sides are plenty!
Xacto knife
photos or pics
Mod Modge
TIME (for drying)
Rubber band the set of blocks together.
Place the picture on the bound set of blocks.
Mod Podge it in place....the WHOLE UNCUT pic.
If you are putting pics on two sides, place second pic on back side at this time.
so...now you have the bound set of blocks with a pic 'glued'
to each side.
...place something heavy on this and leave to dry.
Here comes the tricky part...
when the pics are secure... glued and dry...
take the Xacto knife and using a straight edge
cut between the blocks.
You have to do this carefully
it is not an exact science.
Surely someone will find an easier way
but this works for me.
Once the cuts are made, remove the rubber bands.
Trim the edges with scissors.
Now Mod Podge the heck out of these blocks.
I do all the sides with many coats.
(...this is where the time comes in...
drying time)
When all dry I put the puzzle in box (I hand make these to exact size of puzzle)
making boxes is a WHOLE OTHER STORY
anyhow....I make the boxes and glue a pic of the puzzle to the lid (just like the 'real' puzzles you buy in store )
....if it is two sided puzzle I place the second puzzle pic on inside of lid...
This is a very personal gift.
I especially like the ones using a photo of the child
but these with their favorite thing...
will be well received.
Blocks can be a simple a 4 pieces
I also make a Tic Tac Toe version with 9 pieces
...possibilities are endless