November 13 2012
The month is nearly half over!
I have taken away the BLATANT Halloween stuff
i.e. skeletons and ghosts...
however...the decoupage pumpkins,
the glass pumpkins, AND the
are still hanging out and about..
between you and me...I'm not sure if that OH SO SPECIAL velvet beauty will EVER see the inside of the Halloween storage box.....
....the decor has been paired down and I now consider the various pumpkins to be
...the wreath is STILL hanging on the front door!
Here's my excuse...
"Where the hell am I gonna store the thing?" we are... the middle of November BUT I've almost got my Christmas card
ready for mailing....
the main ingredient was ordered back in August and has been sitting
in a big box in the office/studio ever since.
The mailing pouches were ordered last month and they are in a medium sized box
sitting in the office/studio ever since.
This past weekend the photo shoot for the greeting was held.
After a stressful couple of days the final cut was made.
NOW to the printing and the stuffing of pouches and then
the postage.
This year I will print the address label and postage all in one
using my
Now..... this requires that I input all the addresses into my
PayPal Multi Order Shipping folder.
I will take the time to do this
I will get a
However I will use ALL that paper and PRINTER INK ?....
should I just buy the stamps at the Post Office ????
Well, HELL ! I've got myself thinking...or rather re-thinking this....
perhaps if I go get something to eat it will help with the decision...
I would KILL for a